What about gay marriage? If Alabama prohibits it should they be allowed to refuse marriage licenses to gay couples?

Topic: Federalism If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it? What if many states disagree with it? Why or why not? Then look at Marijuana specifically- If the federal government deems it illegal (as it does) should a state like Colorado be […]

Does marijuana use among teenagers enhance their risk of developing depression and suicidal ideation?

RESEARCH TOPIC: Does marijuana use among teenagers enhance their risk of developing depression and suicidal ideation? In this assessment task, conduct a review of the current literature using a systematic approach. Include creation of a flow chart that represents how the literature search was conducted include the inclusion / exclusion criteria, the final selected papers […]

What historical impact has legislation had on the availability (legality) of the drug (example: Harrison Narcotic Act)?

DRUGS, CRIMES 1 The occurrence, use and abuse of drugs in our society are evolving issues. Marijuana, a Schedule drug like heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD/acid), and ecstasy, was once widely viewed as a gateway drug and extremely dangerous for individuals (consumption) and society (public health and safety). However, currently 18 states, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, […]

What do other countries do-How does public policy differ? How might it impact institutions in society: law enforcement, prisons, education, communities, the environment, etc.

Directions Think of something that is currently classified as illegal in the United States. Now, consider what would happen if that was no longer illegal. What are the possible consequences? Be creative and don’t take the easy way out. For example, marijuana is not the best example here as many states are taking steps to […]

He is a professional carpenter and a model citizen. Should he be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of his 9.5-year sentence? Why or why not?

Discussion A young man was sentenced to serve 10 years for selling a small amount of marijuana when he was 15 years old. He escaped from prison six months after his sentencing and moved to a different state. The authorities located him when he went to vote, 30 years later. He is a professional carpenter […]

Discuss Based on the concepts from Chapter 10 in your text, what research method did Becker utilize for his study?What did he hypothesize about why individuals become marijuana users? What were the backgrounds of the individuals Becker interviewed for his study? How many interviews did he conduct?

1) Review the article “Becoming a Marihuana User” attached below. Answer the following questions and number your responses. 2) Based on the concepts from Chapter 10 in your text, what research method did Becker utilize for his study? What did he hypothesize about why individuals become marijuana users? What were the backgrounds of the individuals […]

Describe the 12 steps of the programs of Marijuana Anonymous and Al-Anon. Also discuss the potential benefits for the attendees, appropriateness of referring a client to such a meeting and how you would prepare a client for attending a meeting.

Describe the 12 steps of the programs of Marijuana Anonymous and Al-Anon. Also discuss the potential benefits for the attendees, appropriateness of referring a client to such a meeting and how you would prepare a client for attending a meeting.