Describe how things ended; was the dilemma resolved, unresolved, or worsened by subsequent situations?

PROMPT A: This week we read Mark Twain’s tongue-in-cheek advice to youth. Select two of the readings and two of the video clips and create your own list of advice to youth. Be sure to list the readings and clips you selected. Your list can be ironic like Mark Twain’s, but it cannot be offensive. […]

Provide an analysis that identifies fallacious reasoning in the story and explain why.

Click link to read Mark Twain’s essay “The Late Benjamin Franklin” Resource: Twain, M. (1983). THE LATE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Saturday Evening Post, 255(2), 18-93. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. In a 1-page essay, provide an analysis that identifies fallacious reasoning in the story and explain why.