What is the reality today-Have marketing efforts in today’s online environment brought companies closer to, or further from, the customer?

The key to sustainable success for most companies lies in the power of a strong brand. A favorable brand identity is really a relationship between the customer and the organization and its products. Customer Relationship Management (CRM, discussed in chapter 14) is an important element of the marketing mix. Before the “digital revolution,” customer relationships […]

Discuss the steps organisations can take to build high performance teams? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of teamwork in organisations?

Answer one of the following questions. The word limit is 1000 words. QUESTION 2 Discuss the components of the ‘marketing mix’ and the role it plays in organisations today. Using examples, explain how you would use the marketing mix in developing a marketing strategy for a new product launch. QUESTION 3 Using examples, discuss the […]