What effect would the Civil Rights Acts have across the continent on minority groups?

The Civil Rights Movement Using the Internet, locate and read Martin Luther King Jr’s “Have a Dream” speech given in Washington D.C., August 1963. Copy and paste the following keywords into your Google search bar: “Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.” Feel free also to locate and incorporate additional scholarly sources to respond […]

Which specific student (or any combination you desire) do you support?

Which specific student (or any combination you desire) do you support? Why? In expressing your response, you need to develop a substantial argument defending your particular position. The essays by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in The Sixties Papers are relevant sources for this prompt. If you use sources or examples from outside these […]

Explain the manner in which the literary form of soliloquy shapes your view of Hamlet.

Shakespeare”Respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: Discuss your reaction to the character of Hamlet in the two (2) soliloquies from the text. Consider the extent to which you sympathize with him and / or think he is self-absorbed. Explain the manner in which the literary […]

What President Abraham Lincoln called “this mighty scourge of war” finally ended “the bonds-man’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil.

supply; the new workers would be enslaved and pro-hibited from owning arms. Subsequently, the African population spiked upward, and slavery spread across the South. African Americans would remain degraded as unpaid laborers and dehumanized as property until the Civil War. What President Abraham Lincoln called “this mighty scourge of war” finally ended “the bonds-man’s two […]