Does Marx believe that the existence of private property hurts common use resources? Is his communist approach a larger version of Ostrums collective actions?Discuss

In a Nutshell: One to two sentences that sum up the big ideas. Theme/Main Point/Purpose: Summarize the main theme or point of the article. Why did the author write this? What is the author trying to communicate? Supporting Arguments/Evidence: Discuss how the author supports his/her theme or main point. What arguments are employed? What evidence […]

Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism?

Assignment: This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue. Think about the relationship between the theories studied and the wider media environment. The essay should, therefore, cover both an outline of the theory (that demonstrates your […] does Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction help us understand the “life chances” of Coal Miners?

Using the three differentUsing the three different theories of class (Marx, Weber, and Bourdeiu) introduced by Guest, analyze one of the case studies of class in the United States detailed by either Hedges or Susser. (Eg, what would Marx have to say about NYC being one of the most “unequal cities in the world”?, how […]