How does your state describe a nurse practitioner’s controlled-substance prescriptive authority, and what nurse practitioner drug schedules are nurse practitioners authorized to prescribe?

locate and review the practice agreements in the state in which you plan to practice, (Massachusetts) identify potential collaboration requirements in your state, and understand the certification and licensing process that you will need to follow. To Prepare: • Review practice agreements in your state.Massachusetts • Identify whether your state requires physician collaboration or supervision […]

What is your ethical obligation? Should you pay $1.99 to download an episode of Big Bang Theory from iTunes-take it for free from an illegal site-What is your Life Principle?

Pick ONE of the following questions to answer for your initial discussion post. 1) Virtually any television show, movie, or song can be downloaded for free on the internet. Most of this material is copyrighted and was very expensive to produce. Most of it is also available for a fee through such legitimate sites as […]

Analyze the effect MERA (Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993) had on the state’s role in educational accountability and how this affected the definition of equity in educational accountability in Massachusetts.

Choose 4 questions to answer: Analyze the effect MERA (Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993) had on the state’s role in educational accountability and how this affected the definition of equity in educational accountability in Massachusetts. The textbook presents several decisive episodes in the history of New Jersey’s educational accountability policies. Analyze the prevailing understanding […]