What is your opinion of the material presented in these articles and why do you feel this way?

After reading and considering the three articles on Learning Styles located on Moodle, write a 2-3 page reflection. Below are some prompts to help stoke thought- • What information is new or surprising to you? • What is your opinion of the material presented in these articles and why do you feel this way? • […]

What changes have you observed in your own learning or knowledge of math/quantitative methods as a result of the topics introduced in Weeks 3 and 4 of this course?

Weeks 3 and 4 objective: Apply elementary descriptive statistics, probability theories and quantitative methods in business in business decision making under risk and uncertainty. For the applied assignment, please submit a 5-6 slide PPT (NOT including title page and references page) that includes the following parts: PART 1: Create a context: Introduce a real-world business […]

1.A particle with position vectorr= 5i−3j−k(m) has a forcef=−2i+j+ 9k(N) acting on it. Determinethe magnitude (to 1 decimal place) of the torque about the origin

MATH1050/7050Semester 2, 2020Assignment 1All questions must be submitted by4 pm on Friday 21 August. Prepare your assignment as a single pdffile, either by typing it or by scanning your handwritten work. Upload your submission using the assignmentsubmission link in Blackboard. Your submission must adhere to the presentation and legibility guidelinesoutlined on Blackboard.Remember that your assignment […]