Share your observations (400 words) about what you have learned about the evolution of mathematics through the readings, videos, and your attempts to work with ancient instructions.

Topic: Evolution of mathematics Evolution of mathematics: a brief sketch Share your observations (400 words) about what you have learned about the evolution of mathematics through the readings, videos, and your attempts to work with ancient instructions.  

Discuss the way in which you can use conceptual and procedural variation to draw the children’s attention to the key ideas in this area of mathematics.

Introduce the area you have chosen and what you hope to cover in the essay Reflect on the key mathematical ideas that children will learn in this area in the Early Years or the primary curriculum. Refer briefly here to the EYFS framework or the National Curriculum, and in detail to your reading related to […]

Explain What did they this person do to help influence the field of mathematics or the world. Include important mathematician names, dates, theories, discoveries, diagrams, formulas, cultural implications, and anecdotes.

Description The report should be two-three pages typed, no more than double spaced and font no larger than 12 pt. You must cite at least 3 sources, two of which must be published books or professional journal articles. What did they this person do to help influence the field of mathematics or the world. Include […]

Reflect on the importance of generating multiple strategies to guide thinkers to select appropriate strategies to find the best solution.

Using the Mathematics Mystery Contest scenario as a model, you will continue to design your own scenario-based game. You will incorporate best practices in problem solving and demonstrate your understanding of concepts from algebra in this module. You will create a component of the final game user guide to be submitted in Module 5. Complete […]

Why is there a gender gap in Mathematics in schools in the UK? What are the effective responses to this gap?

Why is there a gender gap in Mathematics in schools in the UK? What are the effective responses to this gap? Introduction – Literature Review Strategy Gender gap in Mathematics (at what age level?) is a topic that interested many researchers and educationalists for a long time, each of them approaching it from different perspectives. […]

What are instances, you think, that particularly demonstrate your mathematics strengths and talent – what are you proud of having accomplished.

1. Math Highlights Remember some concrete moments and activities in your life that turned you towards mathematics, ignited some passion about math, or expanded your view on mathematics. Make a (chronological) list of them. Include some key words how and why these events influenced you. Decide on one or two that you may want to […]