Rank which job would devote the most of its time to conceptual, human, and technical skills.

Week 2 PB Question 2 Here are three job titles. Rank which job would devote the most of its time to conceptual, human, and technical skills. (a) Vice president of finance at a Fortune 100 company (b) Coding for a video game producer (c) General manager at a local McDonald’s franchise Bright, D., & Cortes, […]

What do the laws of supply and demand and the concepts of market competition suggest about running a Cold Stone Creamery franchise vs. a McDonald’s franchise?

What do the laws of supply and demand and the concepts of market competition suggest about running a Cold Stone Creamery franchise vs. a McDonald’s franchise? Which franchise would seem more attractive to you as a business, and why? Considering the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and the various approaches to CSR that an organization […]