Describe the purpose of your project, your goal,Describe your target audience

Description I’m going to give you the information to use so just add on to it. I. Purpose – To create a hip-hop page that covers breaking news and new music Describe the purpose of your project, your goal, in one to two paragraphs. II. Audience – Young white straight Males who like hip hop […]

Write a brief review/commentary of a film, TV show, video game, news story, ad/promotional campaign, animation, online story, you have recently enjoyed watching/reading, identifying and exploring what you think are the successful storytelling/narrative elements in it.

Description Write a brief review/commentary of a film, TV show, video game, news story, ad/promotional campaign, animation, online story, you have recently enjoyed watching/reading, identifying and exploring what you think are the successful storytelling/narrative elements in it.

Write a valid hypothesis statement which is addressed by the research in the scientific article and explain if the hypothesis is presented correctly in the media source

Start with an engaging attention getter, identifying the observation/problem addressed by the media communication and in the scientific communication; Identify the media communication as a media communication/secondary source and the scientific communication as a scientific communication/primary source Write a valid hypothesis statement which is addressed by the research in the scientific article and explain if […]

Discuss Is a political figure’s marital infidelity newsworthy? Does it say much about personal character or leadership ability? Many admired historical figures had personal lives that today would be judged unacceptable. Does unconventional personal behavior have any bearing on performance as a public servant? If not, why is an affair a matter of national news?

Answer 4 of these questions in depth: Article is in an attachment included. A. Calderone decides to make phone calls for a possible media story on July 22, 2008, a few hours after the Enquirer runs a story on its website about Senator John Edward’s late‐night visit to Hunter. However, news of an affair between […]

What would a philosopher have to say about this that the rest of the media may be missing?” Do you find the conclusion(s) convincing, based on the evidence provided? Is the method/approach of high quality? Which pieces provide the best takeaways for a general reader?

Description Browse the  blog to get a sense of how TROT posts are written. They usually start with a summary of a current event, then provide cultural ideas relevant to the matter at the hand and includes citations for each source. journal articles no more than five years old Choose a recent news events or […]

How are the stories presented? What is the difference between the two media sources? What is missing from either source compared to what is included in either? Do you detect a “filter bubble” as described in the TED talk? What is the difference between a structure of stories based on both interest and ratings vs. a structure based on clicks? Which source do you trust more? How do you determine whether to believe either source?

Description question1: Watch a TV news program (local or national cable) and keep track of each story in a half hour segment. Then compare the news on TV against the news you get from Facebook (friends & news feed). How are the stories presented? What is the difference between the two media sources? What is […]

What is Social Media Marketing?How to increase presence, grow brand, generate sales?

What is Social Media Marketing? 1.Business objective for women hair products: How to increase presence, grow brand, generate sales? Target audience Campaign ideas 2.Metrics a)followers, b)shares c)like/mentions d)clicks 3. Social media analytics 4. Recommendations for hair product company active to social media?

Write a valid hypothesis statement which is addressed by the research in the scientific article and explain if the hypothesis is presented correctly in the media source

The journal includes the following processes and requirements: Start with an engaging attention getter, identifying the observation/problem addressed by the media communication and in the scientific communication; Identify the media communication as a media communication/secondary source and the scientific communication as a scientific communication/primary source Write a valid hypothesis statement which is addressed by the […]