What actors drive processes of collective action? What are the communication features of their interventions? What type of social change processes do they enhance? What communication theoretical frameworks inform our understanding of collective action and social change?

Social Movements and Intercultural Communication Research Paper: In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to research how groups in the U.S. have worked to confront and transform oppression through learning about social movements, activism, and communication. The growing emphasis on collective action raises new questions for research and practice in communication for development and […]

What should we take away from this, what is the critical understanding we have missed.

1) Choose four media episodes/shows (22 -60 mins). (you can alternate NEW journal articles for shows, books, other sources.) a) they should be the same show/series, but don’t have to be if you have a reason. b) create your code sheet (use the attached sheet as a model) c) qualitative (themes) or quantitative (words/actions) d) […]

Define what IMC is. -Describe why companies use IMC campaigns.Identify a significant marketing campaign for your internship brand. – Find one that was supported across multiple media (e.g., TV, print, website, banner, ads, social media networks ads, billboard ads, etc.).

To examine integrated marketing in action, you’re going to tell the story of a particular campaign from your internship brand, you selected in Week 1, across multiple media for this interactive activity. We want to know what unifies the campaign and how the unique nature of each medium is being utilized (or underutilized if you […]

Reflect on how research methodology can influence conclusions about media violence and pornography.

In this quick two paragraph brainstorm, you will reflect on how research methodology can influence conclusions about media violence and pornography. Chapters 11 and 13 focus on research methods, which you may or may not have studied before. Choose one study and set of data such as Figure 11.1, Trends in Media Violence. Then do […]

Write a 2-page essay illustrating 5 major conflict resolution skills you learned from this week’s reading resources.

Instructions Since workplace conflicts are inevitable, learning to deal with them in a healthy way is crucial. When conflicts are mismanaged, they negatively affect workplace productivity, but when handled in a respectful and positive way, they provide an opportunity for growth, ultimately enhancing employees’ productivity. This week, you will learn common conflict resolution techniques and […]

Summarize your insights regarding intercultural communication as demonstrated in the book. What are the major lessons to be learned?

In a 2-3 page essay follow the guidelines below to complete the assignment. In your first paragraph briefly summarize the book to give a general idea of the overall story. End your introduction with a thesis statement about two intercultural communication concepts that will be developed in the body of your essay. In the body […]

Write approx 350 words, comparing and contrasting what the designers have chosen to communicate about these two cities and how they have done so.

Topic: Write approx 350 words, comparing and contrasting what the designers have chosen to communicate about these two cities and how they have done so. Paper details: please read the attached files and follow the instructions on there

Does the show or movie you’ve chosen reflect racial and gender diversity? Why or why not? Explain why this kind of diversity is important in media.

Choose a television show or movie you are familiar with and consider the characters in terms of racial and gender diversity. Then answer the following short-answer questions. Each response should be one to two paragraphs. Does the show or movie you’ve chosen reflect racial and gender diversity? Why or why not? Explain why this kind […]

Examine the problems, conflicts, and unresolved issues that require additional research and choose one issue to propose for further research.

Examine scholarly literature for the psychosocial impact of membership in a virtual group or community. Critically review reliable media sources for information related to the implications of membership in the group or community. Explain the methods or procedures used in the studies. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used for the studies. […]

Discuss How does the media affect citizens’ knowledge, perceptions, and political behavior? Should the media be reformed, and if so, how? If not, why not?

Topic: How does the media affect citizens’ knowledge, perceptions, and political behavior? Should the media be reformed, and if so, how? If not, why not? Paper details: Please, read materials and 6 articles for completing this assignment. Chat