Explain the differences between old and new media. To what extent do people in the US trust the media? What impact does each (old and new media) have on our level of understanding and knowledge of the political process in the US? Which do you think does a better job of providing reliable information? Where do you source your information from? Do you think that old media sources will eventually die out? Explain your positions.

Explain the differences between old and new media. To what extent do people in the US trust the media? What impact does each (old and new media) have on our level of understanding and knowledge of the political process in the US? Which do you think does a better job of providing reliable information? Where […]

Discuss what you learned about your communication skills.

Each unit self-analysis measures you completed Include what you learned about yourself from those measures Discuss what you learned about your communication skills Share how you plan to improve your interpersonal communication skills after this course is over. This paper will be in APA format but you can title each section with the specific self-analysis […]

Discuss the key differences between hearing and listening. Be sure to provide an example of how hearing and listening impact interpersonal communication.

Define listening. Explain the listening types (informational, critical, and empathic) and stages of listening. Discuss the key differences between hearing and listening. Be sure to provide an example of how hearing and listening impact interpersonal communication. Discuss at least two barriers to listening. Be sure to include how these barriers impact interpersonal communication. Identify three […]

What power do we have as a consumer? How can we change the way media portrays women and girls and the ways in which women and girls view themselves?

The director and interviewees in Miss Representation talk candidly about their experiences with sexism. What connections or empathy did you feel with the experiences presented in the film? What are your unique experiences? Some critics claim the “glass ceiling” no longer exists for women in entertainment. Others argue that the successes of Nancy Pelosi, Hillary […]

Critique The Soft Cage based on how it reveals how the U.S. has historically used surveillance to carry out at least three of the particular attributes of the functioning of a state, e.g. government, territory, population, sovereignty, power, and law.

write a 5-7 page book review on the following book: Parenti, Christian. (2003). The Soft Cage: Surveillance in America From Slavery to the War on Terror. New York, NY: Basic Books. In your review, critique The Soft Cage based on how it reveals how the U.S. has historically used surveillance to carry out at least […]

Explain the principles you followed in creating your profile and discuss the advantages of social media networking through a professional profile like the one you have created.

Paper details: Written Assignment 6 (with LinkedIn Activity) Read the articles by Doyle, Linaker, and Zhang. Then do the following (two parts): 1. Create your own professional online profile, suitable for LinkedIn. Limit your profile to only three of the areas discussed by Zhang: headline, summary, and experience. Follow the advice of Zhang and or […]

Using social media specific to Rochester, New York, discuss the value of conducting Internet research as it relates to large festivals and large public assemblies. Using an actual event in the past year, discuss how social media helped or didn’t help law enforcement preparing for security for such an event.

Using social media specific to Rochester, New York, discuss the value of conducting Internet research as it relates to large festivals and large public assemblies. Using an actual event in the past year, discuss how social media helped or didn’t help law enforcement preparing for security for such an event.

Which theory is most applicable, and why?Do you agree or disagree, and why?nclude any limitations or obstacles. Identify the role of media selected (ex. video games) in society moving forward.Discuss.

Instructions: Please select a topic in mass communication that has captured your attention this semester. This should be approximately 5 pages of content (excluding the title page, references, additional material) but please do not exceed 8 pages. Please follow APA format for at least 4 academic references and do not forget to include in-text cites […]

Is social media addictive ?and what affects it has on us Explain.

Topic: Is social media addictive ?and what affects it has on us Paper details: my question for research essay is why is social media addictive and what affects it has on us?……find 4 articles pertains to my 2 questions provided above and summarize the articles pertaining to my question double space times new Roman make […]

Discuss Why is your news article topic a matter of public concern? How does your article add to the information that is already known on this matter? If you applied a Constructive Journalism frame around your story, in what ways does your article answer the question ‘what now?’.

This 250-word critical reflection on your Assignment 3 submission is an opportunity for you to discuss the significance and strengths of your research and reporting on a matter of public concern. You should do so in the context of answering the questions listed below. You will reference unit theory and readings to answer the questions. […]