Identify three key, distinct, internal and/or external publics (not individuals) associated with such an event outside of the media, and clearly explain why it is important for your city to communicate with them in this situation. The publics can overlap but they cannot be identical. The publics must represent logical choices and be specific enough.

Write concisely and divide your paper into four sections (A through D): Part A: List the city and country you are working for. This needs to be a real city and country anywhere in the world. List a hypothetical major weather event. Part B: Identify three key, distinct, internal and/or external publics (not individuals) associated […]

What suggestions would you offer to this speaker to improve her message, relating to the audience, and his or her delivery?

Click on one of the links below, watch it, and then answer the questions below. Jim Keye -Never too late to dream Darren Tay – Outsmart-Outlast – 1. In two sentences summarize what you remembered from this speech. What were his or her main points? 2. How does the speaker relate to you or not? […]

When you use your cell phone to interact with other people do you: physically speak to people, text, send/receive email, social media, skype/video chat? Explain why you choose this method of communication rather than face to face interaction?

1.What is the primary purpose of your cell phone use? Create a list in priority order (most to least) for the uses of your cell phone AND explain the purpose. For example; if you use your phone to surf the Internet, are you doing it because you are bored, shopping, or need directions? 2.When you […]

Briefly describe the central idea and content of the speech.Identify TWO areas that you like. Be specific

The analysis should be two full pages, double space and typewritten. Please turn in your analysis via Canvas. In the analysis, you should Briefly describe the central idea and content of the speech (4 points) Identify TWO areas that you like. Be specific (4 points). Identify ONE support material discussed in class (Week 3 Topic: […]

Explain how the power of the media helped shape public opinion, leading to democratic change. Be sure to cite examples.

Paper details: The Vietnam War, explain how the power of the media helped shape public opinion, leading to democratic change. Be sure to cite examples. Keep your response to fewer than 300 words. **See the video: The Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg** Paper requirements; Organization: Writing directly addresses all parts of the question and incorporates […]

Choose one of the listed technologies and analyse the reasons behind the success or failure of your chosen technology.

Guidelines: Answer all questions in your own words. Do not copy any text from the notes, readings, or other sources. The assignment must be your own work only. Contextual information If you were a medical professional in the 1980s, the pager, a one-way communication medium, was probably part of your daily life. However, the pager […]

What has been your favorite film we have watched in class, and why? Along with that chosen film, select another we have watched in class and compare the two

Typed document of at least 2 pages (using 1” margins and 12-point double-spaced type) on the selected film shown in class/viewed on your own. A Microsoft Word version of your paper submitted through Blackboard (under Content) before class on the due date. The paper should include the name, director, and year the movie was released […]

What do you or your interviewee remember about each show? Describe the experience of watching each program. How did each show have an impact upon a view of the world? What was learned, changed, or influenced?

HU200 Course Assessment Module Five: Television In this Assignment, you will investigate how creative expressions can broaden your perspective. You will do this by reflection on the impact that television and video art had upon a person. You may write about your own experiences, or you may interview a friend or family member. In either […]

Where do the researchers agree and disagree? Provide examples. Having analyzed the literature and primary sources, what is your opinion on this issue and why?Discuss.

Written Assignment 4 Written Assignment 4 requires you to articulate and discuss what you have learned during your research. [MO 4.2, MO 4.3] Instructions Now that you have gathered, organized, and assimilated the relevant literature on you topic, take a step back and consider what you have learned. Critically analyze the arguments and conclusions you have […]

Discuss.Using examples from each of these flows, how would you locate the argument/ explanation in a post-COVID world? Within the larger framework of globalization, what issues continue to make sense? Which concepts are no longer relevant? How do we need to think differently today?

You are to only use the readings from the files in additional materials as the sources!!!!!!! Appadurai: Disjuncture & difference Appadurai: Circulation & context Drawing from the Appadurai readings, how would you explain the global discursive flow? Refer to the flows of culture, information, technology, finance etc. Using examples from each of these flows, how […]