What changes do you propose? Be as specific as possible. Explain exactly what changes you would make, so there’s no ambiguity, confusion, or unanswered questions

This semester, you will write two papers in which you identify a problem in the representation of a particular group in media (related to gender for paper 2, and race for paper 3) and describe what you think would be a more positive or healthy portrayal. For example, you might identify a TV show that […]

Which link did you choose to write about? Describe what it covers, and how the specific work or artist is presented.

For each Unit Project, answer the following questions: Which link did you choose to write about? Describe what it covers, and how the specific work or artist is presented. In what way does this work or artist exemplify the tenets of the Northern Renaissance? Give two examples. What seems new or unique about this work […]

Briefly describe the arguments in favor of your view and how you have considered counterarguments (alternative positions).

State your thesis or hypothesis. Then, briefly describe the arguments in favor of your view and how you have considered counterarguments (alternative positions). If there are particular sources you wish to note on this, please share them

What information have you found that illustrates both your interest and rich awareness of your topic? Why is this information so interesting? What ideas are you developing that are appropriate for your discipline?

Explain the issues and make a connection to your discipline. Introduce the topic with reference to your thesis or main question in the opening paragraph. Describe the issue or problem clearly and with enough relevant information that your reader will fully understand it. Make connections between your topic and important theories/facts/examples from your discipline or […]

Analyze how events of the Protestant Revolution and Renaissance led to the Age of Discovery.

Recall that the project requires you to create a timeline that identifies significant events of the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation. Your assignment is to identify at least five credible sources about the Renaissance or the Reformation and list them in MLA format. Your sources should include information about Renaissance-era innovations in art, science, and literacy. […]

Should the government be able to sensor social media posts, and pages in general, initiated by terrorists and/or terrorist organizations? What are the advantages of doing so? What are the disadvantages?Discuss.

Should the government be able to sensor social media posts, and pages in general, initiated by terrorists and/or terrorist organizations? What are the advantages of doing so? What are the disadvantages? Make sure you analyze this through the ethical frameworks of deontology, utilitarianism, and/or virtue ethics.

Identify a few of the primary advantages as well as admit some of the disadvantages, and show a couple good, creative examples.

Show how this medium form persuades people. Basically, the specialty is the production of ancillary forms of branded “giveaways” such as SWAG (stuff we all get) that you’d find given away at Trade Shows as “reminder promotion” like fridge magnets, mugs, Tshirts, etc. Dig through some association websites to find some really “persuasive” examples. You […]

Describe the steps a political TV campaign strategist might take in order to maximize voter choice in terms of the reinforcement and crystallization effects on a target constituency.

Answer all of the following essay questions. Your essays should show an understanding of course materials and reveal your own perspective on the issues presented. Each of the essays you write should be between 250 and 500 words (1 to 2 typed, double-spaced pages). Outline the particular strengths and weaknesses of research questionnaires, panel studies, […]

Explain the research strategy you are using to develop your thesis or to resolve the problem statement.

Thesis: Healthcare contractual purchasing organizations, specifically Group Purchasing Organizations and Pharmacy Benefit Managers, are popular within healthcare delivery systems. In this paper, I will discuss why these organizations are politically motivated, a major contributor to rising healthcare costs, full of fraud and deception, and furthermore, are not the solution to an industry whose costs are […]

What law protects the hospital’s mandated vaccination procedures?How concerned should the hospital be if the lawsuit is a success?

Write a 750-1,000 word paper in which you review public policy and how it affects employment. Address the following scenarios: Scenario 1: Nurse Deb was due for her annual flu vaccination as mandated by her hospital’s policy. Nurse Deb is a big supporter of the anti vaccination movement and refused to obtain her annual flu […]