Choose your topic, create the strategy, and describe how you will work with your community to enact the plan. Consider your experiences when formulating your strategy.

You have been asked to lead a task force in your community to develop a strategy to either support or counter one of the topics below. Choose your topic, create the strategy, and describe how you will work with your community to enact the plan. Consider your experiences when formulating your strategy. It should be […]

Discuss,Were there any patterns or surprises? Elaborate on what took up your time and why. Indicate whether you had interferences or distractions. Be prepared to compare your media- use patterns with those of others in the class.

Just make it look like a log that a typical American college student would have!! Keep a media log* for a 24- hour period between today and the next class. Make a chart showing how you got information, how you communicated information, and which media you used. Indicate how long you viewed or read, a […]

Discuss,The video references a quote by Mary Reilly in 1961: “That man, through the use of his hands, as they are energized by mind and will, can influence the state of his own health.” Why do you think this was such an influential quote for the OT profession?

Question 1: Based on what you have read and watched so far, give a one to three sentence definition of what occupational therapy is. (Please do not make this a direct quote from the video and reading for this week, or other things you have read.) Question 2: On page S3, the Occupational Therapy Practice […]

Describe the role of the media as a means of communicating information related to the election of the U.S. President, and how the media influences public opinion, for better or for worse.

In an essay of 800-2,000 words, describe the role of the media as a means of communicating information related to the election of the U.S. President, and how the media influences public opinion, for better or for worse.  

Analyze What did you learn from this project about media portrayal of religions? What insights did you gain?

Essay 1, Media analysis. Students should select one article about religion that derives from popular media (newspaper, magazine, online newspaper, reliable TV news source). The information must be topical to *the past 12 months* from the date of the assignment. Once the story has been read/reviewed, please do the following: 1) Give a BRIEF (1 […]

What is the unit price you would like to receive for the GT7s?,What is the unit price you will initially present to AccelMedia?

‐2‐ As luck would have it, while at a trade show a couple of weeks ago, you ran into an executive with a graphics hardware firm in California called AccelMedia. AccelMedia, a relative newcomer to the market, has been growing rapidly because of the sudden popularity of its graphics accelerator products. The executive you spoke […]

Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples.

Instructions You are attending an international journalist event and have been chosen to give a presentation of the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens. Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation to assist you […]

Discuss,Where Should the Founder of a Social Media Marketing Company Turn for Financing to Fuel His Fast-Growing Business?

SocialToaster Where Should the Founder of a Social Media Marketing Company Turn for Financing to Fuel His Fast-Growing Business? As a Web developer, Man Razzaque recognized the power and efficiency of social media marketing to make social media marketing companies but wasn’t sure exactly how to achieve his goal. Then employee to the company to […]

Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples.

Instructions You are attending an international journalist event and have been chosen to give a presentation of the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens. Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation to assist you […]

Describe the key facts of the media artifact;briefly situating the artifact in a larger social historical context (e.g. where/when it came from, what forces shaped the way it is now—outside research needed)

You will write two essays to critically reflect on media’s impact on society. For each essay, you will select an artifact (e.g. a music album, a tape recorder, an iPhone app, a Facebook profile page, a video game, a concert ticket, a baseball jersey, a tattoo, a fingerprint, as long as you can make a […]