How do you think the statistics used in the article impact perception of the issue?

Statistics in the Media Locate an article that provides statistics on an issue of your choice. Respond to the following questions in a paper. What is the article trying to say? What are the key statistics cited? Is there enough statistical evidence to support the author’s conclusions? Do you think that the author overstated the […]

How would you rate yourself in terms of your handling of the need to take actions that sustain change?

Week 6 discussion and Post Week 6: Sustaining Change Versus Initiative Decay Consider a change initiative that you have some familiarity with. As you think of this initiative, consider the following. • How good were you at handling unanticipated outcomes? How could you have improved in this area? • How would you rate yourself in […]

Discuss ways in which the ability to capture a large volume of detailed data and use it for analytics has or can improve the ability of media companies to leverage that data into a competitive advantage and business success.

Description Calculating how many people watch or listen to broadcast media such as TV shows and radio has always been challenging. TV ratings have been traditionally monitored by systems such as Nielsen ratings ( This data is then used to do things such as renew or cancel shows and set commercial advertising prices. Modern, internet […]

Critically consider the relationship between television output and television viewing with reference to at least one of the following: consumerism; security; domestic life; identity; self-expression.Discuss

Topic: Critically consider the relationship between television output and television viewing with reference to at least one of the following: consumerism; security; domestic life; identity; self-expression.

When prepairing for a negotiation, what is essential v. Non-essential?a. Prepare a press release on the negotiation b. Identify the “negotiation set” c. “Assess the other negotiator’s prefrences” d. Find areas for linkages and tradeoffs between your preferences and your counterpart’s. e. Prioritize issues in terms of most to least controversial..Discuss

When prepairing for a negotiation, what is essential v. Non-essential? (Select all essentials) a. Prepare a press release on the negotiation b. Identify the “negotiation set” c. “Assess the other negotiator’s prefrences” d. Find areas for linkages and tradeoffs between your preferences and your counterpart’s. e. Prioritize issues in terms of most to least controversial […]

Conduct an interview or interviews with relevant people and use their quotes to write an 800-word feature article suitable for publication by a media company of your choice. This could be a profile feature on an individual, or a feature on a topical current issue or item in the news.

Description   Find your own news story suitable for publication in a University of Bedfordshire student magazine, conduct interviews and write up a story of between 300 to 350 words. Take a relevant photograph to go with your story – you will lose marks if you do not submit a photo. 2) Vox pop Interview […]

Describe the John Peter Zenger case and explain its importance for journalists defending themselves against libel.

1. Mark Zuckerberg’s position on censoring social media is essentially the same as John Milton’s argument in Areopagitica. Summarize Milton’s position on censorship (see Standage Chapter 5). Quote from his argument. Compare this position to the views expressed by Zuckerberg: 2. How did the invention of the coffeehouse in the middle of the seventeenth century […]