What is your own position on the media’s role and impact in covering terrorist cases?Discuss

Topic: Homeland Security – 440 Written Assignment 4 Paper details: Some scholars argue that too often the media helps promote terrorists’ agenda. Others, however, disagree. What is your own position on the media’s role and impact in covering terrorist cases? Organize your reply by selecting three case studies that, by employing the same assumption or […]

Discuss Issues/Problems within the transgender communities. Why is this problem relevant and why should we address it?

Topic: Issues/Problems within the transgender communities. Why is this problem relevant and why should we address it? Paper details: Issues/Problems within the transgender communities. How does this topic relate to sexuality and communication. . You will find 7-10 scholarly sources that more fully explain this problem. These sources must be scholarly journal articles, books, or […]

Are media consumers being formed by what is highlighted? Are media outlets reacting to a preexisting consumer mindset? Or some combination of the two? How does all of this affect our lives, given the current conditions of the pandemic?Discuss

Consider why media react in the way described. Are media consumers being formed by what is highlighted? Are media outlets reacting to a preexisting consumer mindset? Or some combination of the two? How does all of this affect our lives, given the current conditions of the pandemic? Relate to David Foster Wallace on attention and […]

Analyze a recent Disney movie of your choice in terms of media ownership, target audience, and ideology.

1. Analyze a recent Disney movie of your choice in terms of media ownership, target audience, and ideology. 2. Melodrama is a recurrent cluster-concept used to describe aspects of storytelling. Using clear examples, please identity two distinct ways in which “melodrama” can be applied as a descriptor. 3. Is the worldwide flow of media governed […]

hat are some of the weaknesses of the analytical framework or concept that, for example, you feel would be difficult to apply in real-life situations?Discuss

o What is the analytical framework or concept that you will examine by the scholar(s)? This is similar to what we did for Week 11 seminar. o How does this analytical framework or concept and the way the scholar implements it help you better understand something about radio or podcasting? How is this a contribution […]

Explain how you determined if you found either inaccurate or accurate information about the topic locating resources and evaluating the credibility of the main source.

1) Identify a time when the media or the Internet influenced you either with accurate information or inaccurate information. 2) Explain the following regarding the selected topic: Where did you learn about this topic? For example, did you see this in a movie, book, or other media, or did you search for information yourself on […]

Discuss how are people to tell the difference between reliable, factual information and “fake news”?

1. In contemporary society, information is distributed by print (newspaper and magazines, etc.), broadcast (radio & television), and multiple “social media” platforms. With such diversity of available opinion. If “democracy” flourishes best when citizens are well-informed, how are people to tell the difference between reliable, factual information and “fake news”?

Analyze two short films (see below, “Short Films”) based on the course literature, especially chapters 4-8 in Writing Short Films, which will be referenced with page references.

The task is a total of seven pages and in three parts: 1) Describe your own film based on the five keywords form language, characters, narrative structure, message / sense morality, and character development, and how you / you thought about them. (about 2 pages) 2) Analyze two short films (see below, “Short Films”) based […]