What is the brand position, and how does the brand communicate this?What is the main message and what marketing communications tools are being utilised in this campaign?Discuss

Apply the following steps in Fill’s(2009) framework in this sequence in your analysis. – Context Analysis (or situation analysis) for your chosen brand/product/service, including customer details and their consumer buyer behaviour. – Marketing Communications Objective(s): what are the communication objectives for your chosen campaign? (Recommended use of SMART objectives). – Marketing Communications Strategy (& position): […]

Analyze a disaster museum of your choice (9/11 memorial&museum).Put together a timed slide show, which will be viewed as a silent introductory presentation to a permanent exhibition.

Imagine that you are Curator of Public Programmes at a disaster museum of your choice (9/11 memorial&museum). Your brief is to put together a timed slide show, which will be viewed as a silent introductory presentation to a permanent exhibition. The presentation will play on a loop at the entrance. You have at your disposal: […]

Who is the sports journalist – writer, photographer, broadcaster – or sports organization, team or athlete who made the most difference in the world?Discuss

Topic: Who is the sports journalist Who is the sports journalist – writer, photographer, broadcaster – or sports organization, team or athlete who made the most difference in the world?- writer, photographer, broadcaster – or sports organization, team or athlete who made the most difference in the world?

How has ad tech changed website content strategy? Given that hoax (fake) news sites are stealing revenue from legitimate news organizations, what can the latter do to protect themselves financially?Discuss

1. Please read and write a 400-word-summary to answer the following questions: Joshua A. Braun & Jessica L. Eklund, “Fake News, Real Money: Ad TechPlatforms, Profit-Driven Hoaxes, and the Business of Journalism,” Digital Journalism, 14 January 2019 2. Questions: How has ad tech changed website content strategy? Given that hoax (fake) news sites are stealing […]

Educate specifically dog and cat owners about the alternatives they have when confronted with having to deal with many kittens or puppies.

Description Must use the following topic for the whole assignment: For this project, I have decided to work on a sensibilization campaign aiming to help stray animals like cats and dogs only. The main goal of this sensibilization campaign will be to educate specifically dog and cat owners about the alternatives they have when confronted […]

Identify an organization you are familiar with to be the focus of the paper.Develop a full Problem Statement to include at the end of the Introduction.

Identify an organization you are familiar with to be the focus of the paper. Develop an “initiating problem” that outlines the general topic(s) from the course and how it/they relate #1 and #2 Post your thoughts and developing RQ on the Discussion Board for feedback. Review the readings related to the topic(s). Identify additional literature […]

So what? So what effect does a film like this have? Why are the stereotypes there? What affect might they have on the audience? Ok, so there are or are not stereotypes in the media…so what?Discuss

Description (If possible use Wonder Woman or a popular movie) For this essay, I’d like you to investigate the ways in which a particular community is represented (or misrepresented) in the media. You will choose one media source–a film, television show, cartoon, video game, or another media source of your choice–and watch it with a […]

Which intercultural communication competencies do you need to develop further in yourself? Why? How?

Analysis Questions: a) Which are three key intercultural communication challenges in this team? b) Which elements of effective global remote team management are present and absent? c) Map out the values patterns (similarities and differences) between the team members, between the current leader team, and yourself. Action Plan: If you were the leader of this […]

Compose an analytical essay that relates the formal choices and media of your given work to what you think might have been the artist’s intentions for it.

Drawing on your notes above, compose an analytical essay that relates the formal choices and media of your given work to what you think might have been the artist’s intentions for it. Please note that you may not necessarily have to discuss all the formal elements—instead, focus your assessment on the most striking ones. (Though […]