Does the author use literature from the literature review to support their results in the discussion? Copy and paste an example where they do this.

Article Review Assignment Read the introduction and literature review Does the article make a case for the need for the study? (ie.. Gap in literature) Does the article show you how the study fits into the overall work that has already been done? What are the research questions that the article is studying? Given the […]

Show a simple example of how to calculate variance and then explain the meaning of it.

Decision making based on historical data This project reflects the basics of data distribution. The project topics relate to the definitions of variance and skewness. Cover in the project the following: 1.Explain the variance and skewness a.Show a simple example of how to calculate variance and then explain the meaning of it. b.Show a simple […]

What is the proportion of individuals who purchased organic products?

Using the Explore Window to Study Variable Distribution Use the Explore window to study the distribution of the variable Median Income Region (DemMedIncome). Answer the following questions: What is unusual about the distribution of this variable? What could cause this anomaly to occur? What do you think should be done to rectify the situation? Define […]

Explain how each source used supports your recruiting recommendations

Develop a business report on a recruiting plan strategy for FFH. You may decide what elements to incorporate into your business report, but be sure to include the following on which HR management and organizational leaders can base their decision: Compare the labor markets for each selected location. Include the following in your analysis: Populations. […]

Discuss how the p value relates to the significance level. Compare the p value and significance level, and make a decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

You have been hired by the Regional Real Estate Company to help them analyze real estate data. One of the company’s Pacific region salespeople just returned to the office with a newly designed advertisement. The average cost per square foot of home sales based on this advertisement is $280. The salesperson claims that the average […]

What are some trends about which company leaders should be aware-How might the information you have provided be used in decision making in the company?

Netflix Assessment 3 Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report for the quarterly company meeting. The first part of the task was to download the data and create scatterplots and histograms, and to calculate mean, median, and mode of 5 years of stock prices for your report. Now you must analyze and interpret […]

What did you find interesting/surprising about the descriptive statistics in your peer’s post?

Week 1 Discussion: Descriptive Statistics Read/review the following resources for this activity: When data is collected, the most common calculations computed are the Measures of Central Tendency, mean, median and mode. It is important to know how to compute these values and it is also extremely important to know what these values mean in context […]

What is the difference between the independent variable-dependent variable-Give examples of each

Reading Assignment (20 points): Statistics for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing a) Answer the following questions in your own words: i. What is the difference between the independent variable and dependent variable. Give examples of each ii. Differentiate between a discrete variable, continuous variable, qualitative variable and quantitative variable iii. What are some ways to improve […]