Which of the following would you use to settle the dispute between you and Hazel litigation, mediation, or arbitration? Explain why.

LS 308: LAW & SOCIETY UNIT 10 DISCUSSION INSTRUCTIONS Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using law when disputes arise. Four years ago, you decided to follow your lifelong passion and open up a restaurant with your cousin Hazel. The two of you agree that you will each provide one-half of the startup capital and […]

Discuss in detail three specific points about your chosen conflict resolution process How can you use knowledge about this conflict resolution process informally-formally in your human services setting?

Conflict in Human Services Final Paper In a 4 to 5 page paper, you will asked to select and discuss a conflict resolution topic. The purpose is to select a resolution process that meets your particular interests and academic and professional goals. You may choose from the resolution methods presented in the reading and Lessons […]