Examine any applicable rules and regulations pertaining to malpractice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Medical Malpractice (125 points) Create a PowerPoint presentation detailing the standard operating procedure in dealing with “near misses” in your facility. Be sure to address the following issues: Examine any applicable rules and regulations pertaining to malpractice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Detail a specific procedure in dealing with the reporting of medical errors […]

Discuss issues that need attention, especially medical, treatment, addiction, and other needs.

Addiction and Recovery for Older Adults Reflection Paper   Write a 2-page reflection paper on the video clip. Add 2 additional references to explain the challenges and needs of the older population (50+). Discuss issues that need attention, especially medical, treatment, addiction, and other needs. Identify some (4) services that would help this populationmedical.   […]

Which billing system is most effective if complete control is desired over the billing and collection process?

Accounts Receivable and Collection for the Medical Practice C. lowering your voice. D. referring him/her to your supervisor. E. lowering your voice and slowing your speech. 42. You may telephone a patient regarding his/her account balance A. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. B. any day of the week. C. at work. D. between 9 […]

Discuss the health (physical and psychological), medical, economic and criminal justice costs associated with crime.

Discuss the health (physical and psychological), medical, economic and criminal justice costs associated with crime. Be sure to cover tangible and intangible costs, as well as costs shouldered by victims, the criminal justice system and third parties. Include in your answer the concept of double victimization and the impact it has on victims.

Explain the importance of drug utilization review and step therapy.

Utilization Management Utilization management helps health care organizations control costs and improve quality. The principal objective of utilization management is the reduction of practice variations by establishing parameters for cost-effective use of health care resources. For this discussion, you are taking on the role of the director of utilization management at Mount St. Clare Medical […]