Analyse positive/ negative findings recognising any red flags and using clinical reasoning skills to explore possible differential diagnosis.

Case study: patient consultation, history taking and the completion of a physical assessment The summative written case study (2500 words) is based on one patient case study. This will involve a patient consultation, history taking and the completion of a physical assessment, and is reflective in nature. The medical model will be used and should […]

Describe how that education might change if the patient is an adult or a child.-What if English is not their preferred language?

Medical Terminology Education is a large component of a healthcare professional’s day. Describe how you might educate a patient or their family member on a health care issue. Pick a real health care concern and use that as a basis for your education. Describe how that education might change if the patient is an adult […]

What you know about the brain?-Share knowledge and personal or family experiences about the brain’s structure and function, as well as diseases and disorders related to the brain.

Medical Terminology The adult brain uses 20% of the body’s energy but accounts for only about 2% of the body’s total weight (averaging around 3 pounds). When a person is awake, his or her brain generates 25 watts of power; this is enough to power a lightbulb. The left side of the brain controls the […]