Discuss how does a medical crisis raise questions about the nature of public health care? Do state’s have a moral responsibility to provide universal health care to its citizens in order to be capable of addressing a medical crisis?

Situation: you are a doctor in a leading research hospital. As a result of coronavirus, the hospital becomes overloaded with patients and there is a shortage of beds and respirators. Because of this, there are more patients in the emergency room than medical equipment to respond to the situation. There are a 1000 respirators and […]

What is your professional or member organization that promotes the field or industry (i.e. American Holistic Medical Association American Public Health Association, or the National Medical Association?)

Description The interview questions must be written in a report format. Answers from providers interviewed should not be altered. Professional Interview Questions Instructions for conducting the interview Research the requirements and employment options for the CAM provider you choose. Besides choosing five (5) questions from the list below make sure you site the source of […]

Discuss How can acute pain be effectively managed for adult medical patients in hospital

Description Assignment guidelines – Introduction to Evidence based practice A 3,000-word written assignment “How can acute pain be effectively managed for adult medical patients in hospital” Conduct a literature search using the skills developed during the module on the topic provided. Explain and reflect on the literature searching process and include a table of the […]

Discuss the possible defenses that could be reasonably asserted by the doctor to each claim, and why that defense might apply.

Description This assignment gives you an opportunity to consider the facts of a case potentially involving claims of negligence. You will have the opportunity to analyze the possible claims, as well as the potential defenses to any claim presented by the plaintiff. The facts of the case are described below. Following an automobile accident, a […]

Explain from the health care provider’s perspective on how following HIPAA could interfere with delivering care to a patient.

Description Instructions: In a concise paragraph, explain from the health care provider’s perspective on how following HIPAA could interfere with delivering care to a patient. As a health care manager, you will be responsible for ensuring HIPAA compliance of your staff. Describe a scenario where one of your clinical staff (physician, physician’s assistant, nurse, medical […]

Explain and discuss one of their recalls in the past and discuss how they have moved the industry forward with regards to safety.

Description Write a two page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement: Go to the home page of Tylenol and read their history. Examine the problems or issues surrounding the recall of Tylenol. Explain and discuss one of their recalls in the past and discuss how they have moved […]

Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.

Provide a brief introduction of what you will be writing about within the body of the paper. This paragraph should include a thesis statement. Clinical Manifestations Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mrs. J. Appropriate Nursing Interventions at Admission Discuss whether the nursing interventions at the time of her admissions were appropriate for Mrs. J. […]

Write a one-page summary on why you chose this question and the answer that you found to support or refute it.

PICOT ASSIGNMENT In order to satisfy the requirement for evidence-based practice, a PICOT assignment must be completed. The instructions for this are as follows: 1. Think of a question that you have. Something related to medical care and why we do what we do. 2. Search for a peer-reviewed journal article through the PSC Library […]

Which location should be chosen based on total costs in year 3 operations? Which location should be chosen based on total profits in year 3 of operations?Explain.

Use the data and develop appropriate computations and supporting information to answer the following. You are assisting the COO of Roanoke Medical Center who is working with philanthropic partners to determine the best location for a free clinic, to relieve stress on the emergency department. Leadership has narrowed it down to the final 3 potential […]