How do consumer decisions affect leadership decisions and organizational directions?

Discussion question How can the transparency of price, quality, and safety change the way a consumer selects health care choices? Cite a current example of transparency in the health care industry. When it comes down to the transparency In the price , quality and safety brings impact customers in various ways . They are- Informed […]

How are social insurance programs affected by the socioeconomic and political forces?

The main social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are funded by a payroll tax on the earnings of individuals who may receive benefits. Do you think the social insurance programs are effective? How are social insurance programs affected by the socioeconomic and political forces? Explain your answers. Respond to this question […]

How did these organizations compare with the state and national norms?

Evaluate three hospitals in Virginia. The data elements to be used should be the “Survey of patients’ experience” scores (HCAHPS) and the “Payment & value of care” scores, specifically the Medicare spending per beneficiary (MSPB). From your analysis, determine which hospital in your community has the highest level of satisfaction and is the most efficient […]

What can be done to provide more protection for retirement savings?

Finances Discussion Answer the following questions regarding finances, policy, and government. Try to put yourself in the mindset of older adults as you answer some of the questions. 1. How soon do you yourself hope to retire? How will you work now to make this possible? When thinking about bio/psycho/social theory, how will you make […]

How does President Biden’s infrastructure investment plan resemble the New Deal? Thoughts?

What were the most important New Deal programs which created: permanent safety net for individuals economic safeguards for future stability Choose several programs for each and explain why they have been important. In conclusion, what do you think needs to be improved on for safety in the 21st century? (ex. more banking regulation, Medicare for […]

Identify and discuss specific resources or federal agencies that you will utilize to remain informed and current in public health trends and practices.

1. The Administrative Simplification Compliance Act of 2001 requires that all Medicare claims be submitted electronically. Discuss at least two (2) vulnerabilities in the protection of electronic health information? 2. Identify and discuss specific resources or federal agencies that you will utilize to remain informed and current in public health trends and practices.

Does Medicare cover private-duty nursing?

Affordable Care Act As part of the Affordable Care Act, Congress intended for information about health care to be more accessible and transparent to consumers (i.e., patients). As part of this effort, millions of dollars were spent on website support, including assistance for Medicare beneficiaries. The results from those efforts appear at Access the […]

How could you prepare to have an interoperable electronic health record (EHR) that meets CMS standards?

HCAD 650 WK 4 Government Programs WK 4 – Look for tool applications beyond those already discussed. Complete the discussion using classroom tools only – the textbook, course web links, Classroom Law Library, and Compliance Library Group 1/Medicare and Interoperability Question – Part 1: Critical Analysis of the Law Medicare is a large payer of […]

How important is it to involve physicians in financial improvement efforts?

Why do other payers use Medicare as the benchmark for payment? What are other options? How important is it to involve physicians in financial improvement efforts? What is the best strategy for physician engagement? Compare and contrast the following three organizational approaches to financial management using operations management tools: A centralized department that has experts […]