Do you have any personal, religious reservations, or discomforts that would interfere with your ability to advise clients and ask them how they would address these personal conflicts?

R.K. is a home health nurse practitioner who delivers primary care to a predominantly Medicare population. The role of the home health nurse practitioner is to provide assessments to individuals inclusive of the environment, provide direct skilled care and treatment, and provide education and referrals as needed. He must work closely with the patient and […]

Do you recommend keeping membership for a hospital?

Exercise 5 For this week’s exercise, we need to try a few logit (logistic regression) models (see this link for more information:). Use same dataset from week 1 exercise. If you have chosen to work with Excel, please run below three models and complete the following tables. Use same dataset from week 1’s exercise. Medicare […]

Describe the overall health and wellness status of your chosen individual based on materials from the course and your previous analysis.

Topic: 3-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Client Analysis Sally, 63-year-old Caucasian female Sally was recently admitted to the hospital for a heart attack in which she had stents surgical implants to help aid blood flow—put in. Sally has been a homemaker since marrying her husband of 30 years; he retired last year from […]

What is the impact of being in a high-competitive market on hospital revenues and cost?

Topic: Exercise 3 Exercise 3: The dataset provides Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and herfindahl index categories, please use the herf_cat variable to answer the following questions: Note: “The Herfindahl–Hirschman Index is a commonly accepted measure of market concentration used by antitrust enforcement agencies and scholars in the field. The HHI is calculated by squaring the market share […]

Write  Role of Incentives and Exchange Maturity; Health Data Exchange Vital to Quality Care at Lower Costs to create a one- page sheet of talking points that will be shared with other advanced practice nurses for a legislative outreach day.

Topic: HIE Legislative Talking Points Utilize the documents Effective HIE Use, Federal Incentives May Save Medicare Billions ; Reducing Medicare Spending Through Electronic Health Information Exchange:Write  Role of Incentives and Exchange Maturity; Health Data Exchange Vital to Quality Care at Lower Costs to create a one- page sheet of talking points that will be shared […]

Explain what impact the identified agency has on compliance of regulatory standards (90 to 175 words).

Topic: Two agencies the regulate the health care industry Regulatory Agencies Research and select 2 agencies that regulate the health care industry. A list of regulatory agencies has been provided below. You may also select other regulatory agencies with faculty approval. The Joint Commission The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) Centers for Medicare […]

What resources are being provided by the government to support healthy aging?

Week 5 Discussion 1. The United States has a fast-growing population of senior citizens, which has major implications for the long-term budget outlook. The number of people aged 65 and older in the United States 52 million today is projected to increase by more than 60 percent over the next three decades, reaching 84 million […]

What other resources would you pursue to assist her-What other options are available to her-How would you go about assisting her so that she could access those resources?

An older woman needs long-term services and supports and wants to stay in her home. She receives Medicare, Medicaid, and modest Social Security benefits. What other resources would you pursue to assist her? What other options are available to her? How would you go about assisting her so that she could access those resources? Consider […]

What would an APRN want in the contract? Provide details within the contract about salary, insurances, benefits, duties, etc.

APRNs as Entrepreneurs Generate a professional Power Point presentation that sums the following areas: Introduction to topic, include introducing yourself, why this is important (1 slide) Develop a business plan to start or manage a practice (6-10), identify SWOT analysis, marketing plan, key stakeholders, reimbursement, insurance issues, a solid budget plan (expense and revenue sheet) […]

Do you think the social insurance programs are effective-How are social insurance programs affected by the socioeconomic and political forces?

Option 1: The main social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are funded by a payroll tax on the earnings of individuals who may receive benefits. Do you think the social insurance programs are effective? How are social insurance programs affected by the socioeconomic and political forces? Explain your answers.