How have Social Insurance Programs changed in the past two years-What is the anticipated future of Social Security? (15 points)

Conducting external research utilizing TWO articles that are available via the web (Articles should be current and not exceed two years out) and the textbook; please discuss the following : 1. Based on Chapter 18: How have Social Insurance Programs changed in the past two years? What is the anticipated future of Social Security? (15 […]

Do you think the difference in cost-sharing would influence your decision about where to have surgery?

Discussion Board Topic: Reimbursement Levels Discussion Topic for your response: As you have seen in this module, Medicare has different payment systems associated with various healthcare settings. In this chapter, you have learned about the hospital-based outpatient setting. This system is not used in the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) setting; rather a modified version of […]

Identify three major components of the Medicare-Medicaid programs-based on these components

Identify three major components of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and, based on these components, identify at least two patient coverage gaps for each of the programs. Be clear when you describe the coverage and the gaps as they may relate to specific ages, patient populations, or disease entities. Use primary sources to identify the […]

Do you favor increasing taxes-do you prefer reducing benefits to fix the problem?

Social Security and Medicare Shortfall The Social Security and Medicare Shortfall-Discuss in your Journal post the key long-run problem of both Social Security and Medicare. Do you favor increasing taxes or do you prefer reducing benefits to fix the problem? Explain your position. 300-500 words

Describe the ways in which financial statements, financial calculations, and working capital are used in the organizational budget process

Reflective Journal: Working Capital Your expertise in healthcare finance has attracted the attention of some of the newer employees in your organization. Wanting to become managers someday, they have asked you to share some of what you know in the online journal that serves as the company’s knowledge-sharing portal. Create a journal assignment in which […]

What needs to happen so that a hospital or SNF can provide hospice?

Watch the movie: Being Mortal. This movie shows the student’s understanding of hospice and the ethical challenges patients, family and physicians face when discussing options for end of life care. To ensure the student has a good understanding of the materials, “Being Mortal” will combine all the information from LTC3020 into a real-life situation for […]

Explain your findings in a brief memo that you would deliver to a professional client.

Health Policy Data One of the foremost concerns in health care policy today is the rising costs of care. Acumenworks on several projects that aim to develop and evaluate payment policy reforms with theultimate goal of lowering health care costs. As a first step for this kind of work, we mustunderstand the drivers of rising […]

Compare and contrast each of the three questions related to Managed Care Organizations, Medicare, and Medicaid with one another and explain how they were similar and different to each other.

Compare and contrast each of the three questions related to Managed Care Organizations, Medicare, and Medicaid with one another and explain how they were similar and different to each other. Managed care organizations emphasize physicians’ responsibilities to control patient access to expensive hospitalization and specialty care, a principle dubbed “gatekeeping.” Some argue that “gatekeeping” is […]

Discuss how Medicare has evolved to accommodate the changing needs of society. Do not just go through the timeline – read the materials, think about how society has changed, and explain how Medicare has changed to meet those needs.

Description Watch the following video in preparation for this assignment: Life: Hindsight 101 (Developer). (2017, July 1). Medicare vs Medicaid: Why you need to know the difference. Retrieved from Use what you learned from the video, the module’s required readings, and your own research to answer the following questions in your paper. Distinguish between Medicare […]