Write a brief summary of what you heard, addressing your choice of elements of music.

Music elements summary Pick 1 video from the list below. Listen to the musical selection. As you listen, fill in the cluster/word web using the elements of music. For each element, identify one or two related ideas to help you organize your thoughts (instruments heard, style or feeling of music, the time stamp / marker […]

Discuss how each may be avoided, if it can be, by applying Descartes’ analysis and method.

Descartes Meditation Descartes discusses three successive levels of possible error in the First Meditation. Specify the three levels and discuss how each may be avoided, if it can be, by applying Descartes’ analysis and method. Furthermore, explain how Descartes, or anyone, may still make mistakes, including errors that may be introduced by the possibility that […]

Which did you like better-Which did you find more comfortable to do?

Read the following article from the Mayo Clinic “ Meditation, A Simple, Fast Way to Reduce Stress” https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858 Do both of the self-guided meditations attached below. For this, you will want to find a quiet place without distraction, and this will take about 10-15 minutes per video to effectively complete. You could do them both […]

Was it difficult to stay mindful, was it relaxing, or did you find yourself falling asleep?

Topic: Module 5: Mindfulness, Flow, and Meaning Complete the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale located in the Positive Psychology article from this module. For this assignment, practice bringing more mindfulness to your experiences for one week. Here are some ways in which you can begin practicing mindfulness: Throughout the day when you notice you are lost […]

What is meditation and why should we meditate -what are the benefits of meditation?

Meditate Rewrite Informative Speech to a Persuasive Speech. 1. what is meditation and why should we meditate 2. what are the benefits of meditation? 3. the effects of meditation on health and the mind 4. include statistics /studies 5. include an outline

What is the relation of Hume’s treatment of skepticism to the skeptical method Descartes employs in the First Meditation?

 Philosophy Hume raises the problem of causality in a section entitled “Skeptical Doubts Concerning the Operations of the Understanding.” He then offers a response in the following section, “Skeptical Solutions of These Doubts.” Why are these skeptical doubts? Why are these skeptical solutions? How would you characterize Hume’s skepticism (here you will want to consider […]

How meditation health benefits are important for body, mental and spiritual well-being.

MEDITATION AND HEALTH BENEFITS IN CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM, ISLAM, HINDUISM, AND BUDDHISM How those religions rites and believes engaged in meditative practices, and how meditation health benefits are important for body, mental and spiritual well-being.  

Practice and describe your experience with mindfulness meditation as described in paragraph 4 on page 349.

Describe “Mindfulness and Insight Meditation” as discussed on pages 349-350. Practice and describe your experience with mindfulness meditation as described in paragraph 4 on page 349. Remember this is about letting go of the need to pass judgment or control. It is meant to enhance life, not to withdraw from life.

Describe “Mindfulness and Insight Meditation” as discussed on pages 349-350.

Describe “Mindfulness and Insight Meditation” as discussed on pages 349-350. Practice and describe your experience with mindfulness meditation as described in paragraph 4 on page 349. Remember this is about letting go of the need to pass judgment or control. It is meant to enhance life, not to withdraw from life.

Give an account of the allegory and briefly explain its meaning. To what extent do you find it congruent with the argument of Descartes’ First Meditation?Explain

Please read the Cave Allegory (the last installment on Plato in BB Contents). Give an account of the allegory and briefly explain its meaning. To what extent do you find it congruent with the argument of Descartes’ First Meditation?