In your opinion should either of these men have been allowed to continue in a command position? Why or why not?Discuss

(Please refer to additional materials attachment) PROMPT: After reading Chapter 2 in Hanson, discuss the effects of combat trauma on the leadership of Union General Sherman and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. In your opinion should either of these men have been allowed to continue in a command position? Why or why not? Who then […]

What are your views about the various approaches to feminism? What is the fair way to treat women and men? What kinds of efforts, if any, do you think should be undertaken to improve current conditions?

Social Work course-discussion board- 350 wrds- 3 scholarly sources- ****What are your views about the various approaches to feminism? What is the fair way to treat women and men? What kinds of efforts, if any, do you think should be undertaken to improve current conditions?