Which view represents the Realistic view of trade and, which position reflects the Liberal view of trade?

Answer the first 3 questions on a page and a half Based upon the titles of the 2nd and 3rd videos what comes to mind and why? Realism, Mercantilism or Liberalism? The debate reflects different theoretical positions on China and the Dragon. Which view represents the Realistic view of trade and, which position reflects the […]

Discuss which trade models/theories are the most and the least successful in explaining your data.

International trade Assessment Instructions TITLE: Country case study ON TRADE THEORIES and PATTERNS Find trade data for a country of your choice (can be any country of the world, except the UK or the USA), and apply different trade theories to explain these data.  Your answer should include a focus on important trading partners and […]

Explain the role of trade in creating wealth in each of these three schools of thought. Also, compare and contrast their different views of the link between trade and the creation of wealth. Which of these three views do you find most interesting? Defend your choice.

Long Essay 1 – The economics of the mercantilist school was concerned with how the powerful nations of Western Europe could pursue policies to increase their wealth and power at a time of expanding trade and colonialism. The mercantilists argued the following three interrelated ideas. First, that the wealth and power of the kingdom could […]