What can, and should those merchant buyers do with the non-conforming goods?

HINTS FOR SALES EXAM: CH.21-24 Class, for the exam you might want to focus on merchant buyer’s remedies for breach of contract of a merchant seller, entrusting/entrustment, void and voidable title and bona fide purchaser aka good faith purchaser. Know what the difference is between a “void” and “voidable” title/transaction? Does a bona fide purchaser aka […]

What do we want this e-commerce site to do for our business?

Q1: In the systems of the SDLC, you try to answer the question, “What do we want this e-commerce site to do for our business?” Design step Analysis/planning step Testing step Implementation step   Q2: A good e-commerce website design should avoid: A: Annoying graphics or sounds that you cannot turn off B: Pages that […]

How does the business intend to customize the products-Will it use modular, adjustable, or dimensional customization?

Amanda Bowser Segment of “1” Customers want products that fit their unique needs and desires (Walker & Mullins, 2014). Therefore, it is advantageous for businesses to determine if they are capable of shifting from mass production (same product to everyone) to mass customization (singular product to a single person) (Anderson, 2014). A few customization considerations […]

What are the variables of interest? (What is the dependent variable? What are the independent variables? What variables are controlled?)

Topic: Determinants and Effects of Subjectivity in Incentives. Prepare a one-page synthesis in illustrative form for each paper that includes each one of these answers. What is the research question? What background information is necessary to understand the context? Why is the research question important? What methodology is used to inform their question? How is […]