What steps would you take in your thinking (metacognition), and how would it relate to the steps needed to follow the scientific method?

In January of 2020, the United States declared the spread of COVID-19 a national emergency. In the weeks and months to follow, we saw the global spread of COVID-19 surge. If we were to see a surge in individuals with COVID-19 like symptoms, who also tested negative for COVID-19, what would we need to investigate […]

Why is skim/scan, slow down, and drawing diagrams easy to apply to learning?

This paper is about the 10 metacognition study skills. They are skim/scan, slow down. Activate prior knowledge, fit ideas together, draw diagrams, active reading, summarizing/paraphrasing, group study/teaching each other, making connections, and seek out/use feedback. Provide examples of which skills work and why you believe that to be? Why is skim/scan, slow down, and drawing […]

How can you link the most important concept you learned this week to your personal and professional life?

Thinking about learning is a great way to build learning skills. For a quick description, watch this video What’s Metacognition- and why does it matter. As you finish this module, take a few minutes to think about this week’s learning experience. You can type your thoughts, or do a quick recording Edutopia. (2018). What is […]

Conduct light background research using high-quality websites to learn the basic concepts related to Civic Society (G. Almond and S. Verba), Democratic Peace Theory (E. Kant and T. Paine), and a Harmony of Interests (A. Smith and K. Marx) in the United States.

Assignment Prompts: 1. The Skeleton: Conduct light background research using high-quality websites to learn the basic concepts related to Civic Society (G. Almond and S. Verba), Democratic Peace Theory (E. Kant and T. Paine), and a Harmony of Interests (A. Smith and K. Marx) in the United States. At this stage, read with “metacognition” and […]

What formative assessment will best promote student metacognition-improved learning?

For this project, you will develop your school’s ideal comprehensive assessment strategy and then write a policy statement for your teachers. Begin by exploring the topic of assessment. Focus your study on formative and summative assessment, authentic assessment, and competency-based assessment. In your policy statement, address the key roles of formative assessment and its associated […]

What is the meaning of cognition?-Provide an example of something you have done today that involves a cognitive process.

Cognitive psychology BULLET 1 What is the meaning of cognition? Provide an example of something you have done today that involves a cognitive process. Make sure you specifically mention the cognitive process involved, for example, problem-solving, decision-making, perception, attention, memory, language, or metacognition. BULLET 2 EXPLAIN the following cognitive processes: problem-solving. Discuss how understanding this […]