Which module most challenged your existing knowledge about United States history by presenting a different perspective of events?

Reflection Purpose In the modules covered so far, we have covered how white Europeans came to North America and expanded through the continent, creating a new American identity through Revolution and war, and laying claim to the territory as their “Manifest Destiny.” In each module, we have looked at these events from the perspective of […]

Which suggested strategies from the feedback are you committed to using this term? Explain why you are committed to using those strategies.

Just a regular essay This is for a discussion board in excelsior college B.A. program. Instructions: Essays must be at least 350 words in order to be meaningfully scored. Aim to write a complete, well-developed essay in order to get accurate feedback about how ready you are for academic writing, and what you can do […]

Write five questions that will help you better understand student experiences-assess their well-being.

Coursework 1. Complete the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI). Write a brief reflection of the results: Were you surprised? Why or why not? How might you use an assessment such as this with students? 2. Which self-regulatory behavior is your biggest challenge? Why? 3. Provide an example of a strategy you have or may […]

What issues would you expect to encounter-In what ways would you identify-address the issues you face?Explain and justify in 2-3 pages (or 500-750 words).                   

EDUCATION QUESTION 1 Imagine you are applying for a job as a teacher, educational psychologist, or counsellor at a school. In the written portion of the interview, you are asked what is your educational philosophy? More specifically, can you explain your view on teaching, learning, and which educational theories you advocate?Explain and justify in 2-3 […]

Describe and analyze a learning episode, this episode may be positive or negative experience

Theoretical Analysis Paper Metacognitive approach to learning. Provide a brief overview of the theory. Describe and analyze a learning episode, this episode may be positive or negative experience but your analysis will provide convincing evidence that the metacognitive perspective provides the most appropriate frame because of what was to be learned and how the learning […]