How did this version of the story become more popularised? Is this a case of cultural appropriation, as he has taken folklore from a culture that he wasn’t a part of and rewrote it for a Roman audience?

Medusa in the Lens of Ovid Medusa’s backstory in Ovid’s Metamorphoses differs from the original Greek myth. In which ways did he characterise her differently and why? How did this version of the story become more popularised? Is this a case of cultural appropriation, as he has taken folklore from a culture that he wasn’t […]

How is the Greek creation story different from the Judaic creation account (Genesis 1 – 4).Be sure to include at least 2 salient, i.e. important, differences.​​

The questions in this section address Hesiod’s ‘Theogony,’ a prose translation of theGreek poets that account for the creation of the universe and subsequent events.1.Who are the Muses? In your response be sure to include (1) the name of their father and(2) their three “songs.”​4 points​​Your answer2.Summarize the events in Cosmogony​. ​5 points ​Your answer3.How […]