Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning.

Athanasius  On the Incarnation  Worksheet Name: Bring this worksheet to class on Thursday for your Reading Comprehension Quiz credit. Name: Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning. Identify what you take to be Athanasius’s main purpose in writing. Describe what you see as the two main […]

Is the author knowledgeable about the issue? Are they fair?

Report the Biased Remarks of a Campus Cop?” TASK: For this paper you will need to carefully examine an argument and assess the effectiveness of its use of ethos and pathos. APPROACH: An effective argumentative essay has a clear point. However, it will also seek to establish grounds for credibility and to appeal to the […]

What is the play trying to say about the connection between desire, and gender and racial power dynamics?

Then free-write your reflection on Hwang’s play using the following prompt. Examine the very last scene of David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly: why do you think the play ends this way? What is the play trying to say about the connection between desire, and gender and racial power dynamics? Try to identify metaphors and motifs.

How do the metaphors used in either Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” or Millay’s “What lips my lips have kissed, and where-why” contribute to that poem’s argument, central idea-theme?

Sonnet 73 1) How do the metaphors used in either Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” or Millay’s “What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why” contribute to that poem’s argument, central idea, or theme? The poem can be found below That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or […]

Describe your author’s method-style-Is this straight reportage-Is it an opinion piece?

Should students receive mental health days off school Title: Your title is your Research Question Section 1: State your position or argument CLEARLY with a general back-up reason. You should also state the reasons you chose this topic, or person– why you believe it is of interest and importance. Then cite the two articles you […]

How does the sound or language contribute to the poem’s meaning?-Does the rhythm affect what the poet is trying to convey?

Poetry Analysis 1 1.What is the theme of the poem? What is the poet trying to say? What is the poem about? 2.What happens in the poem? Are conflicts or themes introduced? Resolved? 3.Who is the speaker? What is the “point of view” or perspective of the speaker? The perspective might be social, intellectual, political, […]

write a three-page analysis essay based on the four categories.

Choose a poem from your assigned reading and write a three-page analysis essay based on the four categories. Poems in reading- The Seven Ages of Man – William Shakespeare Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Robert Frost 1874–1963 Uphill -Christina Rossetti four categories- Imagery, Symbols, Metaphors, Symbols

What is the situation of the speaker? What does the speaker do? What emotions does the speaker feel? Is there conflict (societal, inner) in the poem?Discuss

Description Emily Dickinson poems 336, 320,201,340, and 360 the question is: What is the situation of the speaker? What does the speaker do? What emotions does the speaker feel? Is there conflict (societal, inner) in the poem? Write a page about the speaker. 7. If you were designing a tee-shirt or mug, what words (from […]

Discuss What is significant about the choices Achebe makes relating to dialogue, metaphors, repetition, etc. What themes do you note in the passage and how do they relate to course content?

The language, structure and themes of the passage. What is significant about the choices Achebe makes relating to dialogue, metaphors, repetition, etc. What themes do you note in the passage and how do they relate to course content? References—direct or implicit—to contemporary political, social, historical and cultural contexts. What can we learn about colonial Nigeria […]