What are some other examples of situations where wind plays an important role?

Meteorological wind data is requested by a variety of companies and organizations every day. What are some areas (government, private, etc.) or natural events where wind data would be necessary to have? An example of this can be seen when wind data was requested after a nuclear reactor melted down at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power […]

What is the meaning of central importance – the “rising temperatures in the Arctic“ against which the story of climate change unfolds and from which it draws much of its mood.

Climate shapes Climate change in Humanities How ‘climate’ becomes constructed – scientifically. Narrow scope to rising temperatures in Greenland and Canadian Arctic (Baffin Island) See Hulme’s “telling a different tale” for context (link below) The Scientific story:   weather, climatology, meteorological (measurements and statistics), historical Who wrote (created) it? What is the meaning of central importance […]