What are the dangers to the unit, your other fellow unit members, and yourself if your partner is actually using cocaine?

You are a member of a major metropolitan police department and assigned in a covert narcotics operations unit. Often, while working undercover, you are required to simulate the use of drugs without actually taking them. You have a partner who has always treated you well and taken care of you. On at least one occasion, […]

Connect what you concluded about the three news stories to your thinking about whether news media’s coverage of celebrities is too much, too little, appropriate, inappropriate, what? 

Before you engage in discussion of these issues, make sure you understand what professional journalists consider the definition of news by completing the assigned reading in the following material posted in this week’s required reading: ⦁ “⦁ The Characteristics of News” ⦁ Chapter 1 of The News Manual ⦁ Chapter 65 in 21st Century Communication: […]

Explain the role of a fusion center in the day-to-day operations of a large metropolitan police agency.

Critical Thinking Week 3 1.) Explain the role of a fusion center in the day-to-day operations of a large metropolitan police agency. Do you think that fusion centers would be very helpful to smaller agencies as well? Why or why not? 2.) Do you believe the county sheriff is more or less powerful than a […]

Identify the two works- title art history period, bracket dates for material and medium of the two works.

The Academic Discipline of the work is Art History Attached the picture of artwork 1 below, choose 3 other artworks and attach them to the essay with their respective catalogs.This is one artwork that must be used in the essay. There should be a total of 4 artworks to be described and compared.The remaining 3 […]