How will the company differentiate its product-What is the company’s Mission and Vision?

Market Plan Research and create a business&marketing plan and a website (you can use for a new Latin Cafe/Restaurant to start operations out of Miami, with an expansionist vision (Nation and Worldwide). How will the company differentiate its product? What is the company’s Mission and Vision? List how many competitors are powerful and with […]

What direction are the ocean currents moving near Miami?

Access the following link,26.64,165/loc=-85.593,24.567 The visualization shows the current surface-level winds. You can change the visualization by clicking on “earth” at the bottom left corner of the screen. Answer the following questions by zooming into Miami by using the scroll button of your mouse: What is the direction of winds over Miami? Include a […]

Explain What it’s like to live in Miami…Give us a scene about living in Miami now. Give sounds, colors, names of places, and people. Give us a year, the season, the weather. Include dialogue, setting, gestures

Select one of the two options (Narrative or Description) and begin to tell your Miami Story. The key here is to capture a moment in as much detail as possible. Use the rhetorical structures you have learned so far. Narrative (1 page, typed, double-spaced) FIRST PART: Tell a story of significance to your family. Tell […]