What ways could instructors adjust their teaching style to assist students like Nate?

(Case 1) Tina’s daily planner is filled in completely from 6:00 am to 1:30-2:00 am every day. This schedule is not an exaggeration.Tina commutes 75 minutes each way to attend classes.She is a single mother; her son and daughter are both in elementary school and are active in athletics, scouts, and church activities.Tina works full-time […]

If you were Michael, how would you respond to these microaggressions?

Last week we explored in the text, the challenges of communicating difficult information, or communicating information in a difficult situation. To build on your good work there, this week we explore how to build inclusivity into our communication from the start. There are three paragraphs in this assignment, each should be roughly 150 words or […]

Cite dollars and what you believe the outcome of this would be in your own district and is this the norm for all students across the country?

IDEA Procedural Safeguard 1 Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Description: According to the Individual’s with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), all children are afforded the right to a free and appropriate public education. This means, that irrespective of a student’s educational needs, under the law (i.e., IDEA), they are afforded the right to access a […]

Explain how the law is different in the cited case as compared to our fact pattern. Explain how the facts are different in the cited case as compared to fact pattern.

For this assignment, you have to read three cases and explain how they can be distinguished from our fact pattern with the Lucky Duck in terms of the law and the facts. Think in terms of differences: look at each case and compare it to our fact pattern. You are not using the IRAC method […]