Describe in detail how-why NIBIN was developed as well has which government agency manages it-In what instances would it be used in a criminal investigation?

Answer each question. Be sure to include scholarly references noted in proper APA format as well as in text citations to credit these sources. Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers. Roughly a page per question. 1. Explain the different categories of fibers. Provide a scenario where each of these types of […]

Does it enhance the reader&x27;s critical thinking and therefore enhance our ability to contribute to an effective solution?

The chapter is called Bargained. Marc Lamont Hill is trying to get us to look below the surface of tragic stories. Instead of just looking at a tragedy like Michael Brown&x27;s killing and allowing our implicit biases or pity to form our judgement, he is forcing us the examine the historical background of both the […]