Describe how ecological and social justice theories inform social work practice with diverse clients.

Respond to the questions below, based upon these course objectives: Differentiate among key terms such as diversity, equity, and inclusion and equality as well as among terms such as prejudice, racism, discrimination, and microaggressions. Describe how ecological and social justice theories inform social work practice with diverse clients. Differentiate among individual, institutional, and structural discrimination […]

If you were Michael, how would you respond to these microaggressions?

Last week we explored in the text, the challenges of communicating difficult information, or communicating information in a difficult situation. To build on your good work there, this week we explore how to build inclusivity into our communication from the start. There are three paragraphs in this assignment, each should be roughly 150 words or […]

How do you think the other person felt while it was happening?

Journal Assignment – Perceived Bias and Microaggressions Describe the bias/microaggression incident. Be sure to: State whether it was explicit or implicit. Indicate whether or not it was addressed. Explain how you felt as a result of the bias/microaggression incident. How do you think the other person felt while it was happening? Do you think they […]

What are your suggestions (at least two) about the best way to engage in constructive dialogue about issues that have impacted your lived experience that you have focused on above)?

African-American Social Movements Categories such as race, ethnicity/nationality, gender/sexuality, religious affiliation, and class are among some of the systems of power that shape the experience of various people. Write an essay (4-6 pages long be typed in 12-point, double-spaced font with 1-inch margin that addresses (a, b, c and d): Introduction (about ½ page): When […]

What are some generational differences that you may not have been aware of as it relates to microaggressions and diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Diversity & Inclusion – Reflection on readings Reflect on the readings – what are some generational differences that you may not have been aware of as it relates to microaggressions and diversity, equity, and inclusion? Here is the link to the article:

What was your reaction? Discuss why microaggressions are harmful. Provide supporting evidence of the negative impact of microaggressions.

We will continue to discuss ability/disability identities this unit and the next. There are 2 parts to this week’s discussion. This week, as you read the unit’s content, Research any disability violations and related lawsuits in your current local region or profession. Then, discuss a brief plan on how you would limit these kinds of […]