What antibiotics is it resistant to-Avoid writing about the disease and its treatment.

Topic: Hyperevirulent C. difficile We learned in class that some strains of C. difficile are hyprevirulent and MDR, making them superbugs. Identify one of these strains and discuss its characterisitcs, including: What makes it hypervirulent? If it makes toxins, what kind of toxins are they and how do they act? What antibiotics is it resistant […]

What is the microbe that causes this disease and what have you already learned about it?

Tuberculosis In a document of at least 300 words address the following: Why did you choose this disease? Why do you think is an important disease we should all know more about? What is the microbe that causes this disease and what have you already learned about it? (briefly!) What are two significant questions you […]

Who is most likely to be infected by the microbe and the circumstances under which they may be infected

Malaria This week, you will write an essay on Plasmodium falciparum (malaria). The essay is from the perspective of a healthcare professional or community health expert. Your essay could be used to educate the general population on Plasmodium falciparum (malaria). A description of the microbe How the microbe is transmitted to humans Who is most […]

Does the organism play any important environmental or societal roles.Discuss.

Choose any Microbe and include the following: – Taxonomic classification – Metabolism – What environments does it inhabit? – What are its environmental tolerances? – Does the organism play any important environmental or societal roles. – Has the genome been sequenced? That might be interesting. In addition to books and general references, your paper should […]

Compare and contrast how the different techniques of the Five I’s of microbiology would be completed if a patient’s infection was due to a (prokaryotic) bacterial microbe (Staphylococcus aureus) versus a (eukaryotic) protozoa microbe (Malaria).

Subject: Biology Topic: Compare and contrast how the different techniques of the Five I’s of microbiology would be completed if a patient’s infection was due to a (prokaryotic) bacterial microbe (Staphylococcus aureus) versus a (eukaryotic) protozoa microbe (Malaria). Paper details: At least one-page Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font (MLA Format) Complete sentences […]

Describe the type of vaccine and how it works,If the vaccine is not recommended during childhood, which at-risk group should get the vaccine, and when?

What condition(s) or infectious diseases does it cause? Which tissues or organs are affected, and how are they affected (for example, chronic TB is characterized by lung tubercles)? Describe the complications that can result if the infection is left untreated. Are these acute, chronic, or latent infections? What organ system(s) does it infect? Is it […]