Write at least 2 paragraphs about each (include background information that you know as well as information you look up).

Your assignment: Spend some time outdoors and find evidence(sights, smells) of microbial activity in our environment. Note: you might not see the microbes themselves, but use your knowledge of where microbes are found, what types of microbes would typically be found in that environment, and what roles are those microbes playing in that environment (good […]

Discuss specific parts of each book and bring in things that surprised you or reinforced some ideas that you had before.

Write a reflection piece about how the course has changed your views of microbes. Discuss specific parts of each book and bring in things that surprised you or reinforced some ideas that you had before. Have you changed at all in response to this material? If so, how? If not, why not?

Explain the strength and difficulties of such a project, and any comments you might think are important to convince someone to support the project financially

Should and can extinct species be brought back through cloning and genetic engineering? You are scientist trying to get money for a de-extinction project. Outline your plans for de-extinction for an animal or plant, and why you think it would be interesting or important to bring this particular species back into modern times. Explain the […]

Discuss Imagine a world where most products are produced with the help of microorganisms or knowledge of microbiology. Already, fabric is being made from milk and wine, electricity is produced from waste plant, biofuels are produced from algae, etc. Do a research on the trend and let us know your findings on this issue. What products or services can be obtained from microbes? Are there issues of concern? Can you come up with your own idea?

Topic: Green Revolution. Microbes to the rescue Paper details: Imagine a world where most products are produced with the help of microorganisms or knowledge of microbiology. Already, fabric is being made from milk and wine, electricity is produced from waste plant, biofuels are produced from algae, etc. Do a research on the trend and let […]

What are microbes and give examples of the different types? Microbes consist of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, with bacteria being the largest group made up of thousands of different species.

22/7/19 What are microbes and give examples of the different types? Microbes consist of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, with bacteria being the largest group made up of thousands of different species. These organisms can live in a wide range of environmental conditions and don’t necessarily need a host to reproduce. Reference link Lee, Gary Mark. […]