Describe how the method has contributed to the advancement of diagnostic technologies.

W2 Discussion Question 1: Exploring the Journal of Clinical Microbiology Purpose:The Journal of Clinical Microbiology publishes current research on the detection and diagnosis of infections and infestations affecting humans and animals. In this assignment, you will select an article from this journal that describes a detection or diagnostic method used in clinical virology. Instructions : […]

What are the Media used and conditions followed for bacterial culturing?

Topic: Microbiology Microbiology Course Assignment: Total… /20 Answer the following questions: (he specimen handling department has received two patients’ samples: – First, a urine sample provided with a lab requisition for a C/S (for one patient). – Second, a throat Swab received for another patient, provided with a lab requestion for Streptococcus group (A) testing […]

What is the nature of your interest in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine?

For example, have you lived in another country or experienced a culture unlike your own, or worked in a field that contributed to your understanding of people unlike yourself? Or, have you experienced advanced training in any area, including the fields of art, music, or sports? This is an opportunity to describe learning experiences that […]

Discuss Imagine a world where most products are produced with the help of microorganisms or knowledge of microbiology. Already, fabric is being made from milk and wine, electricity is produced from waste plant, biofuels are produced from algae, etc. Do a research on the trend and let us know your findings on this issue. What products or services can be obtained from microbes? Are there issues of concern? Can you come up with your own idea?

Topic: Green Revolution. Microbes to the rescue Paper details: Imagine a world where most products are produced with the help of microorganisms or knowledge of microbiology. Already, fabric is being made from milk and wine, electricity is produced from waste plant, biofuels are produced from algae, etc. Do a research on the trend and let […]

Compare and contrast how the different techniques of the Five I’s of microbiology would be completed if a patient’s infection was due to a (prokaryotic) bacterial microbe (Staphylococcus aureus) versus a (eukaryotic) protozoa microbe (Malaria).

Subject: Biology Topic: Compare and contrast how the different techniques of the Five I’s of microbiology would be completed if a patient’s infection was due to a (prokaryotic) bacterial microbe (Staphylococcus aureus) versus a (eukaryotic) protozoa microbe (Malaria). Paper details: At least one-page Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font (MLA Format) Complete sentences […]