Discuss the challenges multinationals face in the real world setting. How they can overcome those challenges and how they can better integrate into the conditions of the host countries to avoid conflict of interests.

Assess the Future of the Multinational Organization in the International Business Market For your signature assignment, conduct an independent research study on the challenges of multinationals in the modern era. To develop your paper, review chapters 9 and 14 of your text book and the related articles. Discuss the challenges multinationals face in the real […]

What did WWII, the Cold War, and conflict in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East have in common?

What did WWII, the Cold War, and conflict in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East have in common? Be sure to FULLY support your argument with historical information in a multi-paragraph essay with a minimum of 300 words (include introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.) Follow English grammar standards and rules, use Times New Roman size […]

Describe the religious and political movements that helped inspire this particular form of exceptionalism, and the particular eschatological beliefs that informed its political theology?

Support for a Jewish Presence From the colonial period on, many American Christians believed in the Providential importance of the Middle East as a place where Jews would soon be restored to their ancestral homeland. Many of these beliefs emerged from American ideas about their own ‘exceptionalism’ as a democratic and Christian people building a […]

Provide a concise but thorough analysis explaining the impact of each president’s policy in the region or at home.

Ronald Regan, George Bush, Barack Obama and the Middle East Three U.S. presidents Regan, Bush (41), Obama who have had a substantial impact on U.S. Foreign Policy toward the Middle East and provide a concise but thorough analysis explaining the impact of each president’s policy in the region or at home. Most presidents at some […]

What do you believe are the short term and long term prospects for the success or failure of these organizations?

Terrorism 2–3 page essay assignment: Compare and contrast these 2 terrorist organizations (as designated by US) by answering the following questions. 1. Discuss the goals and objectives of these organizations 2. What do you believe are the short term and long term prospects for the success or failure of these organizations? 3. Which one of […]

Use 5 articles and choose one of them as the main article and the 4 others have to be relied to the same topic and use them to critic, compare with the main article.Colonialism and nationalism in the Middle East, Iraq as a case study ( how colonialism and nationalism shaped the nation state).

Description Article review: Colonialism and nationalism in the Middle East, Iraq as a case study ( how colonialism and nationalism shaped the nation state). use 5 articles and choose one of them as the main article and the 4 others have to be relied to the same topic and use them to critic, compare with […]

Describe the forces that have shaped international politics in the Middle East after WWII.

This CAT aims to describe the forces that have shaped international politics in the Middle East after WWII. This CAT analyses post WWII bipolar international system and its impact on the Middle East. We learn about the nature and characteristics of this system that lasted from the end of WWII to 1991. We study how […]