How much wiggle room we provide is based on how much confidence we wish to have that the range contains the actual population mean.

Topic 1: Results from surveys or opinion polls often report a range of values the sample statistic plus or minus a margin of error (the resulting range is called a confidence interval). This tells us that the range is likely to contain the population parameter. How much wiggle room we provide is based on how […]

Given two articles presenting opposing sides of an issue, construct your own 2-3 page

ASSIGNMENT: As you learned in this unit, a Rogerian argument is one that presents two sides of a debate and argues for a solution that will satisfy both sides. Given two articles presenting opposing sides of an issue, construct your own 2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a workable […]

Discuss Does your claim present a clear, workable solution that could be viewed as a “middle ground” between the two sides?

Have you briefly introduced the author and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 1? Have you included a summary of the stance presented in Article 1? Have you briefly introduced the author and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 2? Have you included a summary of the stance presented in Article 2? Does […]