Create a post that names the role,explains the different responsibilities of the profession-provides examples of how this role relates to the steps of the larger helping process used.

5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Helping Process Discussion For this assignment, you will post in the Helping Process Discussion. Select one client-facing role that is used by human services professionals within the organization you selected for your final project. Then, create a post that names the role, explains the different responsibilities of the profession, and […]

Develop human services communications using multiple modalities appropriate to varied audiences and messaging

3-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Social and Cultural Factors As a human services professional, you will witness many client challenges that, on the surface, seem insurmountable. In your role as an advocate, resource, and role model, you will be in a position of having to help clients find creative approaches to solving problems. You will […]

Describe how our awareness of the intentions of others can promote group collaboration.

2-2 Module Two Milestone Describe how intentionality can enhance group collaboration in 5 to 9 sentences. Include the following: Describe what it means to act with intention. Describe how intentionality enables us to attribute mental states to others. Describe how our awareness of the intentions of others can promote group collaboration. Describe how empathy can […]

How could the stage-gate process slow down innovation-Is the stage-gate process more conducive to an incremental or discontinuous innovation?

MBA580 In Milestone One, you recommended an innovation option (incremental or discontinuous) to the organization from the course scenario. Now that senior management of the company has approved your recommendation, your task is to find an efficient process for your cross-functional team to follow during the development of your innovation. Remember that your perspective is […]

Explains potential implications for the organization’s mission Organization : Joslin Diabetes Center Financial Statements

Final Project: Milestone One organization chosen is Joslin Diabetes Center organization, you need to familiarize yourself with the organization’s finances and mission as well as begin to draw connections between healthcare trends and the organization. This assignment will guide you through the selection of your role and department, as well as your preliminary review and […]