What type of relationship does the infant have with the caregiver (secure, anxious-ambivalent, or anxious-avoidant)-How do you know?

Child 4. Purpose The purpose of this observation is for you to be able to observe, identify and document developmental milestones. The focus for this observation is attachment. Instructions For this observation, you will be observing one infant 8 months old or younger. In this observation, you will be observing for the interactions between the […]

What limitation does just offering milestones provide as a means of project reporting?

Respond to the following discussion with a well thought out response with relating to at least one source. How could you use milestones and/or Earned Value Management as a measure of success in a project? What limitation does just offering milestones provide as a means of project reporting? Define some best practices with monitoring project […]

Why is understanding a child’s developmental milestones so important, especially communication, social, and emotional development?

One of the measurements that can be used to determine a child’s developmental progression is to compare the child to the typical developmental milestones. Some examples of developmental milestones are when an infant first sits up, crawls, and walks. There are also developmental milestones for communication, emotional, and social development. The Centers for Disease Control […]

Compare your response to those of your classmates for similarities or differences.

5.2 Action Required: You are in charge of organizing a dinner-dance concert for a local charity. You have reserved a hall that will seat 30 couples and have hired a jazz combo. 5.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Develop a scope statement for this project that contains examples of all the elements. Assume that the event […]

Identify and explain the planning milestones you would implement in order to ensure the successful revision of a viable EOP. Provide examples planning best practices.”

"You’ve been tasked to revise your jurisdiction’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), which has not been updated for several years. Based on the readings and lectures, identify and explain the planning milestones you would implement in order to ensure the successful revision of a viable EOP. Provide examples planning best practices.” Readings came from mergency Planning […]

Whether the developmental changes are global, universal-How the developmental changes should be assessed

The theories of Piaget and Vygotsky offer very different ways of conceptualizing key aspects of cognitive development. They also lead to different recommendations about how to teach. In an essay, compare and contrast the theories in terms of: • The major developmental changes (milestones) they describe • Whether the developmental changes are global, universal • […]