Demonstrate a critical awareness of principles and practice that guide and support academic research.

Q – Augmented Reality (AR) vs Virtual Reality (VR) what is the difference and how does the military use the capability? • The research paper needs to be 2500 words Research Paper +/- 10%. • A clear concise conclusion is needed. • Follow the marking guide. • This needs to be written in the 3rd […]

Write a historiographic paper on some topic where historians have disagreed or taken different approaches to a topic in US military history.

Writing Question Students will write a historiographic paper on some topic where historians have disagreed or taken different approaches to a topic in US military history. Students will use the arguments of 8 authors minimum (at least 6 books minimum) to discuss and analyze the different interpretations and approaches in the literature. The paper will […]

Which empire would you model the daily life in your society from?

Powerpoint of an unique empire that incorporates characteristics from civilizations In the first two units of this course, you have learned about several historical civilizations and the way that they lived such as the Roman Empire, the Greek city states, the Persians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Empire of Aksum, Olmecs, Zapotecs and many more! For this […]

Should such hospitals be able to limit what services they provide based on those identities?

Week 4 Forum Unlike pacifists who are drafted for military service, health care providers choose to take on a job where they might be asked to do something contrary to their moral beliefs. On the other hand, requiring providers to violate their conscience as a condition of employment seems problematic. What do you think? Should […]

What qualities does this leader possess that make you feel a sense of security?

Note: This assignment does not require the textbook. Watch Simon Sinek’s speech “Why good leaders make you feel safe” if you have not already. If you cannot view the embedded video, here is a link to the video on youtube: to an external site. This is your first of five Leadership Analysis Paper assignments […]

Write with policing (both military and civilian) and the War on Terrorism as a background

Write with policing (both military and civilian) and the War on Terrorism as a background, are and or should the ethical restrictions to law enforcement be different when dealing with suspected terrorists than that which is established when dealing with American citizens (such as the use of water-boarding) or are the ethical considerations different. Explain […]

What acts of terror have they committed to achieve their goals?

This group can be international or domestic. It doesn’t have to be exclusive to the United States. Feel free to reach out and find an interesting group who focus their terror in other parts of the world. Once you have selected your terror group, answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of your […]

How might a retired individual need assistance in looking for an avocation, volunteer work, or part-time job?

Topic 6 Career Counseling Resources Short Answer Worksheet Review and answer each of the questions below. Include in-text citations when appropriate. For each question, your response should be between 75-125 specific and provide details in your explanation. Find three resources (other than Indeed) that you would give to clients who need to update their […]

What would you say are the largest gaps in scholarly knowledge in the field of intelligence studies?

Choose ANY of the following suggested essay topics. You do not need to start with the first one and work down. You can chose any one in any order. You can also slightly modify or revise the suggestion as long as you get the direction headed. You should choose one that excites you in some […]

Explains why the problem needs addressing or how otherwise the organization may be harmed by this situation.

Things we Could change to better productivity in the military Imagine that you have graduated from college and are working in an entry-level position in your field of study. Your supervisor has given you your first on-the-job writing assignment. She has asked that you take a couple of days and learn about the organization and […]