What kind of retailers would be best suited to direct deliveries from manufacturers?

W4: Outbound Operations This is a continuation of our peeling back the layers of detail that cover all supply chains. We have two questions this week that address the direct delivery of goods to stores and to your home. And in today’s climate of home delivery, the options for answering these questions are everywhere. What […]

Discuss:Consider that her milk supply has dipped, she is suffering from severe post-partum depression, but she has access to an excellent lactation consultant. Would you advise that breastfeeding or bottle feeding would be best for her infant’s development? Why/why not? Are there any other factors that you must take into consideration?

Option 1: There is much debate about breastfeeding versus bottle feeding and which is best for a baby’s physical, cognitive and socioemotional development. Based on what you have learned from the textbook, lessons and outside readings, what advice would you give to a patient who is struggling with the decision to breastfeed her 2-week-old infant. […]