Do you think Mill’s replies to to swine objection and the “the standard is too high objection” work? Explain.

Introduction: Introduce Mill’s GHP, including what Mill says about happiness / unhappiness, and about what’s intrinistic good. Give a brief explanation of the two objections to the GHP that Mill attempts to address (the “swine objection” and the “standard is too high” objection). Body: For your first section you’re going to explain how the GHP […]

Explain one criticism of both Mill and Kant. Afterward, argue for which ethical approach, on your view is superior. Be specific and provide reasons for your claim.

“Let us consider […] a pair of cases which I shall call Rescue I and Rescue II. In the first Rescue story we are hurrying in our jeep to save some people – let there be five of them – who are imminently threatened by the ocean tide. We have not a moment to spare, […]